AMK 48003 1/48 F-14D Super Tomcat Special SIO Edition Model Kit NOV CTN


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AMK 48003 1/48 F-14D Super Tomcat Special SIO Edition Model Kit

The F14 is a US Navy carrier-based fighter, nicknamed the Tomcat.
-F14D is the final production model of the series with the radar replaced with a digital one.
– The kit introduced this time is a special version that includes AMK’s [Sio Models] brand 3D printer parts.
-Similar to the company’s F14 that has already been released, the [swing wing] can be selected from 3 positions, and the flaps and ailerons can also be assembled by deciding the angle.
– Many externally mounted parts such as missiles, bombs, and tanks are included, and the canopy comes with a normal canopy, a glass part and a separate frame, and engine parts are also included.
– There are 2 types of decal marking variations.
[Benefits of AGMSIOK48003]
– brass pitot tube
– canopy painting mask
– 3D printed parts (landing gear, ejection seat, radar, cannon, avionics bay, etc.)

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